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The Maximun Y value and label don''t display wholly

V4.4.0.51 & VS2003

I set up Yaxes from 0 to 10. The chart cut off the point with value 10 on the top, besides the "10" Yaxes label does not display. How to display them wholly? It looks like need some PADDING SPACE for the YAxes.

//code for setting the YAxes range
TargetChart.PrimaryYAxis.RangeType = ChartAxisRangeType.Set;
TargetChart.PrimaryYAxis.Range.Min = 0;




1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 15, 2007 09:31 PM UTC

Hi Lan,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

You can create the padding space for Y-axis by using Offset property. Please refer to the following code snippet.

[ C#]

//code for setting the YAxes range
TargetChart.PrimaryYAxis.RangeType = ChartAxisRangeType.Set;
TargetChart.PrimaryYAxis.Range.Min = -1;
TargetChart.PrimaryYAxis.Range.Max = 10;
TargetChart.PrimaryYAxis.Range.Interval = 1;

//A padding space create on top of Y-axis
TargetChart.PrimaryYAxis.Offset = -1;

I have change the minimum value of Y-axis depends on our Offset value. Please let me know if you have any queries.


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