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Error with currency inside Grid on Windows 98, ME

Hi, I lost a lot of time trying to find out why my program was not working with Windows ME and 98. And I finaly figure it out. When you use a currency type cell with a Grid and run it under Windows 98 and ME, it crash .NET completely, it's not even a JIT "debuggable" error. Then probleme happens exactly at the time that the control is painting on the screen. If your currency cell is out of view, for example when the grid has to much columns, it works well, but as soon as the cell come into view, it crash. You can try it as simply as creating a new projet, place a grid on it, choose any cell you want as a currency one. You can put the CellValueType anything you want, it does not change the result. Compile for release, run it on a Win98 OS and bring the cell into view. BINGO. I tried it on 4 different clients and it's all the same thing. On NT 4, 2000 and XP, it works just fine. I have the version For now, my current turn around is to make the field Textbox with decimal valuetype, a format "0.00" and numeric validation. If someone has something that I don't know, I would be gratefull. Thank you. Michel T Dallaire VirtuelCOM inc.

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 17, 2003 07:16 AM UTC

What version of the Framework are you using? I copied the currency celltype sample exe along with the precompiled shared and grid dlls to a windows me system using the 1.0 framework, and the sample came up OK there. It will be later today before I have access to a system with the 1.1 framework and windows me. If you are trying this under the 1.0 framework, are you using the precompiled Syncfusion dll's or dlls that you compiled yourself (like debug ones or something).

MT Michel T Dallaire July 17, 2003 04:29 PM UTC

I use Framework 1.0 on the programming system and the target systems. I have the Service Pack 2 installed. I used the precompiled DLL, I not ready to use the source code yet.

MT Michel T Dallaire July 17, 2003 04:37 PM UTC

Try it mostly on Windows 98, I only got one case in Windows ME, and I don't trust the source from this client. All the other case, andon my other computer too, it's windows 98.

DH Dorian Hill August 4, 2003 07:14 AM UTC

I am experiencing exactly the same problem with my installs. Total seizure, requiring reboot everytime. I told my client the app would support 98. I haven't tried it on Win ME. Luckily I said we wouldn't support ME. My Version of .Net is 1.1 (both on development PC and customer PC) My development pc is W2k Pro (sp4). Grid .dll version is Shared .dll version is also Michel, did you find the work around difficult/ time consuming to implement?

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