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Multiplexer and Grid Template Column


I am using GridView control with a template column with Hyperlink column. I have two CallBackPanels with two Grid controls. When the user clicks on the hyperlink, the two grid controls should get updated with the respective data from the database.

To do this I added the CallBackMultiplexer to update both the Panels at the same time.

In the Template Column, for hyperlink I have it like this:

The java script:

In the callback event, I added the following code:

protected void CallbackMultiplexer1_Callback(object sender, Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Tools.CallbackEventArgs e)
//Here we decide to update both AlertsDetails Panel and Solutions Panel


When I run the code, the code executes the CallbackMultiplexer1_Callback event but the CallBackPanel2 event or SolutionsPanel is not raised.

Any help would be great!!

Please attach an example if possible.


1 Reply

GB Gokul B Syncfusion Team March 2, 2007 01:26 AM UTC

Hi Rekha,

We couldn't able to reproduce the issue as you mentioned.We created one sample in which the two GridView control is placed inside the callbackpanel. And we tried to click the hyperlink column in the gridview to refresh the 2 gridview control. But unlike you mentioned it doesn't reproduce the issue. To ensure this we have attached our sample for your references. However could you please provide us the sample which causes this issue. It will help us for further investigation.


In our sample, clicking the hyperlink will invoke the callback panel refresh event to change the GridViews width.

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.


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