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Two questions need help (Sort GridControl data and Combobox in GridList).

Hi I have two questions about the GridControl and GridListControl. 1. Does GridListControl or GridControl provide sorting function? If it does then how to do it? I am trying to create a rich apperance List and need the same sorting function as click the header of ListView. 2. Does ComboBox cell type only apply on GridControl? Can I use it on GridListControl? And How to do it? Anyone's help is appreciate. James

1 Reply

CB Clay Burch Syncfusion Team July 14, 2002 05:31 PM UTC

1) As of the RC2 release of Essential Suite, only GridDataBoundGrid has built in sorting. There is a good chance that before the final 1.0 release, sorting will be supported for the GridControl. Right now, to sort in a GridControl, you have to implement the code yourself. If you submit a Direct-Trac incident, we can forward you a sample of how you might do this. 2) If you want to use a combobox in a GridListControl, that suggests you want to make your listcontrol editable. And a GridListControl does not support editing per se. If you need some type of editable list control, then I would suggest you use a GridControl, and make the GridControl work like the GridListControl with respect to selecting the whole row when you click on it. In the RC2 release, there is a sample named HighlightCurrentRow that does this. If you use this sample code, you have the feel of a GridListControl in a GridControl where you can edit cells and thus use comboboxes. Now if you want to place a combobox in a cell in a GridListControl, then you can do it in a virtual manner, by catching the GridListControl.Grid.QueryCellInfo event, and providing the combobox CellType for the desired cells. But again, I don't know how you would click such a combobox to change anything in a GridListControl.

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