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my rows wont grow

I'm having what (I'm sure) is such a dumb problem - I can't get the row to grow with the text in there.. grdQuickNotes.RowStyles(tmpRow).WrapText = True grdQuickNotes.RowStyles(tmpRow).AutoSize = True IS there something I'm missing? I'm not specifically setting the height; but that does work.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 11, 2003 11:53 PM UTC

A couple of points. Is grdQuickNotes a GridControl or a GridDataBoundGrid? A GridDataBoundGrid does not support RowStyles so your code would not work for that grid. The other comment is that style.AutoSize only works for user typing into the grid. It does not work for programmatically changing a cell's value. In this case, you should call grid.Model.RowHeights.ResizeToFit to size the cells to fit.

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