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Why Plus sign not opening the records?

Hi i have a hirechal grid which is bound to dataset when the grid is loaded at from load its in expanded state but once i saved some data from textboxes and refresh the datasource of the grid the rows becomes collapse and moreover i won't be able to expand the MASTER RECORD when i click on the plus sign here is the code snippet i used myDataSet = New DataSet("myDataSet") Dim myParam As New ArrayList() Dim myStruct As sprocParam Dim obj As New MMDAC() myStruct.paramName = "@DETC_SH_ID" myStruct.paramType = OleDbType.VarChar myStruct.paramSize = 10 myStruct.paramValue = o_7501.SHC_ID myParam.Add(myStruct) dtInvNo = obj.ExecuteSelectStoredProc("usp_GetDistinctInvoiceNoFromLineItemDetail", myParam) myDataSet.Tables.Add(dtInvNo) myDataSet.Tables(0).TableName = "InvNo" myParam.Clear() ''Now get the Invoice_line_Details from line_item_details myStruct.paramName = "@Param" myStruct.paramType = OleDbType.VarChar myStruct.paramSize = 100 myStruct.paramValue = " DETC_SH_ID='" & o_7501.SHC_ID & "'" myParam.Add(myStruct) dtInvDetails = obj.ExecuteSelectStoredProc("usp_AllLineItemDetail_Select", myParam) myDataSet.Tables.Add(dtInvDetails) myDataSet.Tables(1).TableName = "InvDetails" Dim dr As New DataRelation("InvHeaderToInvDetails", dtInvNo.Columns("InvNo"), dtInvDetails.Columns("DETC_InvNo")) myDataSet.Relations.Add(dr) ' Reduce flicker Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.BeginUpdate() Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.DataMember = "InvNo" Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.DataSource = myDataSet 'setting grid properties on form load only If blnFormLoad = False Then ' cache grid model and binder Me.gridModel = Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model Me.gridBinder = Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.Binder Dim hlInvoice As GridHierarchyLevel = gridBinder.RootHierarchyLevel 'If blnFormLoad = False Then hlInvoice_Detail = gridBinder.AddRelation("InvHeaderToInvDetails") 'End If '''If blnFormLoad = False Then gridModel.Options.AllowSelection = GridSelectionFlags.AlphaBlend Or GridSelectionFlags.Row Or GridSelectionFlags.Column Or GridSelectionFlags.Keyboard Or GridSelectionFlags.Shift gridModel.Options.AllowDragSelectedCols = False AddHandler Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.PrepareViewStyleInfo, AddressOf gridDataBoundGrid1_PrepareViewStyleInfo Dim standard As GridStyleInfo = gridModel.BaseStylesMap("Standard").StyleInfo standard.ShowButtons = GridShowButtons.ShowCurrentRow Dim progressDialog As New DelayedStatusDialog(gridModel) gridModel.OperationFeedbackListener = progressDialog gridDataBoundGrid1.AllowResizeToFit = False 'Handling the Columns Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To gridModel.ColCount gridModel.ColWidths(i) = 0 Next gridModel.ColWidths(1) = 100 '"InvNo" gridModel.ColWidths(2) = 100 '"DETN_LineNo" Dim clmnStyle_rCode As GridBoundColumn = hlInvoice_Detail.InternalColumns("DETN_LineNo") clmnStyle_rCode.HeaderText = "Line No" clmnStyle_rCode.MappingName = "DETN_LineNo" 'clmnStyle_rCode.StyleInfo.HorizontalAlignment = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridHorizontalAlignment.Right gridModel.ColWidths(3) = 100 '"DETC_HSCode" clmnStyle_rCode = hlInvoice_Detail.InternalColumns("DETC_HSCode") clmnStyle_rCode.HeaderText = "HS Code" clmnStyle_rCode.MappingName = "DETC_HSCode" gridModel.ColWidths(4) = 100 '"DETC_PartNo" clmnStyle_rCode = hlInvoice_Detail.InternalColumns("DETC_PartNo") clmnStyle_rCode.HeaderText = "Part No" clmnStyle_rCode.MappingName = "DETC_PartNo" gridModel.ColWidths(5) = 200 '"DETC_ShortDesc" clmnStyle_rCode = hlInvoice_Detail.InternalColumns("DETC_ShortDesc") clmnStyle_rCode.HeaderText = "Description" clmnStyle_rCode.MappingName = "DETC_ShortDesc" gridModel.ColWidths(6) = 100 '"DETN_InvQty" clmnStyle_rCode = hlInvoice_Detail.InternalColumns("DETN_InvQty") clmnStyle_rCode.HeaderText = "Invoice Qty" clmnStyle_rCode.MappingName = "DETN_InvQty" ''Dim lastRow As Integer = Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.ViewLayout.LastVisibleRow ''gridModel.ColWidths.ResizeToFit(GridRangeInfo.Cells(2, 0, gridModel.ColCount, lastRow), GridResizeToFitOptions.IncludeHeaders Or GridResizeToFitOptions.NoShrinkSize Or GridResizeToFitOptions.ResizeCoveredCells) hlInvoice.RowStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(192, 201, 219) hlInvoice_Detail.RowStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 245) Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.HighlightCurrentColumnHeader = True ' Enable SelectAll mode for current cell (looks better) gridModel.Options.ShowCurrentCellBorderBehavior = GridShowCurrentCellBorder.WhenGridActive gridModel.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior = GridCellActivateAction.SelectAll ' Move current cell to top-left corner. Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.CurrentCell.MoveTo(gridModel.Rows.HeaderCount + 1, gridModel.Cols.HeaderCount + 1) ' Resize rows option gridModel.Options.ResizeRowsBehavior = GridResizeCellsBehavior.ResizeSingle Or GridResizeCellsBehavior.OutlineBounds Or GridResizeCellsBehavior.OutlineHeaders gridModel.Options.ResizeColsBehavior = GridResizeCellsBehavior.ResizeSingle Or GridResizeCellsBehavior.AllowDragOutside Or GridResizeCellsBehavior.OutlineBounds Or GridResizeCellsBehavior.OutlineHeaders ' Set fond bold for standard column headers Dim gsiHeader As GridStyleInfo = gridModel.BaseStylesMap("Header").StyleInfo gsiHeader.Font.Bold = True gsiHeader.Enabled = True Dim gsiStandard As GridStyleInfo = gridModel.BaseStylesMap("Standard").StyleInfo gsiStandard.Interior = New BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(237, 240, 246)) gsiStandard.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 21, 84) Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.VerticalThumbTrack = True ' Grid will repaint ittself later. 'Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.ExpandAll() 'If blnFormLoad = False Then Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.ExpandAll() 'End If AddHandler Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.ScrollInfoChanged, AddressOf Me.gridDataBoundGrid1_ScrollInfoChanged End If Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.EndUpdate()

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 9, 2003 10:50 PM UTC

Can you post asamle program (maybe using the northwind database) showing the problem so we can debug things here? In this forum thread, http://www.syncfusion.com/forums/message.asp?MessageID=5434, there are a couple of samples showing how you can update rows in a hierarchicl grid as well as insert and remove rows.

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