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Menu Short Cut - Escape Key

I've configured my record actions (New, Update, Save etc) to a menu and set short cut keys for them. Now I've been using Ctrl+N for new, Ctrl+U for Update... now for Cancel, it would be Ctrl-C but then that is the short cut key for Cut. I want to set it to Escape key for Cancel, but it is not in the short cut list within the Menu Editor. Is it possible to manually configure it I can detect when the Escape key is pressed without defining it in every text/object box??

5 Replies

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team July 9, 2003 07:58 AM UTC

One way is to override ProcessCmdKey in your Form and listen to the Esc key. This should get called where ever the focus is on the form. -Praveen

LE Lextar July 9, 2003 09:50 AM UTC

Erm... how do you do that?

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team July 9, 2003 05:58 PM UTC

In your form: //C#: protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { if(keyData == Keys.Escape) { //Do something. return true; } return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData); } -Praveen

LE Lextar July 10, 2003 07:27 AM UTC

Doh, I presume that the solution you've given is for C? I should have stated that I'm working with Visual Basic. Does it work with VB?

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team July 10, 2003 08:58 AM UTC

' VB.Net Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As Message, ByVal keyData As Keys) As Boolean If keyData = Keys.Escape Then 'Do something. Return True End If Return MyBase.ProcessCmdKey( msg, keyData) End Function

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