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Access child rows from parent row

Helo agaian, Just a little thing :) Suppose I have a hieratical Databound grid, and that the current cell is part of a parrent row. The node can be expanded or not. Is it possible to check among the child rows belonging to the current parent row (the one that the mouse is over - holding the current cell) and see if one of the child columns holds a special value. More precise. I have a boolean value column in the child grid. I want to pop-up a message if a user tries to delete the parent row and at least one of the child rows has this boolean value set to true. I need help only for accessing child rows from the parent rows... Can you help me ?

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 5, 2003 06:39 AM UTC

Currently, as far as the GridDataBoundGrid goes, the child lis does not exist until the parent node is expanded. So, from the GridDataBoundGrid point of view you cannot get at the child list if it is closed. So, since you need access whether or not the parent row is expanded, then you will have to use the relation to access the child list. Here is some code that you could try:
//dSet is the DataSet being used...
private void ListChildrenOfGridRow(int gridRowIndex)
	GridBoundRecordState rs = this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Binder.GetRecordStateAtRowIndex(gridRowIndex);
	if(rs.LevelIndex >= dSet.Relations.Count)
		DataRelation relation1 = dSet.Relations[rs.LevelIndex];
		string childColName = relation1.ChildColumns[0].ColumnName;
		string parentColName = relation1.ParentColumns[0].ColumnName;
		int parentPos = rs.Position;
		string parentValue = ((DataRowView)rs.Table[parentPos]).Row[parentColName].ToString();
		string filter = string.Format("[{0}] = '{1}'", childColName, parentValue);
		DataView dv = new DataView(relation1.ChildTable, filter, "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
		foreach(DataRowView drv in dv)
			DataRow dr = drv.Row;
			Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", dr[0], dr[1], dr[2]);

XP XP July 5, 2003 09:05 AM UTC

Thanks again Clay. The code worked. You are amazing :)

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