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GridConditionalFormatDescriptor and boolean field not working.

I have a bit field from the database which I transform into a checkbox field type in the ggc.
This field is the first field in the ggc and is change dynamically in code based on some logic elsewhere.

I am using GridConditionalFormatDescriptor to dymanically color the row when this boolean field is checked/unchecked.

However, I can't get the boolean expression to work.

I have tried "[Selected] = 1", "[Selected] = ''true''" and just about everything else, but the conditional format is not being applied. I have a rate field in the same ggc and when I do "[rate]>0", it works fine!

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 19, 2007 08:39 AM UTC

Hi James,

Thanks for being patience.

Please try using the following code snippet to achieve the intend behavior.

>>>>>>>>> Code Snippet <<<<<<<<<
condDesc.Expression = "[Col0] LIKE 'true'";

Sample : GGC_CheckBoxIssue.zip

Have a nice day.

Best regards,

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