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Essential Grid (Databound) row height

I have a multiline "Note" field that I would like to display properly. How can I make all lines of my note to display in my grid. i.e. Line 1: This is a multiline note... Line 2: This is line 2 of my note

2 Replies

JL Jean-François Larente July 3, 2003 11:30 AM UTC

I worked it out this way, hopefully there's a "cleaner" way. There will never be hundreds of records in the DB so looping is not so horrible. I'm just hoping to understand for the future. dim iCounter as integer for iCounter = dataview1.table.rows.count-1 dgNotes.Model.RowHeights.ResizeToFit _ (GridRangeInfo.Row(i), _ GridResizeToFitOptions.NoShrinkSize) next

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 3, 2003 12:35 PM UTC

The grid.Model.RowHeights.ResizeToFit is the proper method to use. If your rows are contiguous, then instead looping through each row amking multiple calls, you can just make one call and pass the range object as GridRangeInfo.Rows(startRow, endRow).

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