Here's some VB code for the method Robb posted.
Private Sub ShowExtendedText(oGrid As Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridControl, nRow As Integer, nCol As Integer)
' Set the label text and width
Dim oGraphics As Graphics = oGrid.CreateGraphics()
Dim oStyle As GridStyleInfo = oGrid(nRow, nCol)
Dim fTextWidth As Single = oGraphics.MeasureString(oStyle.Text, oStyle.GdipFont).Width
m_oLabel.Text = oStyle.Text
m_oLabel.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(CInt(fTextWidth) + 5, oGrid.DefaultRowHeight - 1)
' Compute the cell location
Dim oCellPoint As Point = oGrid.ViewLayout.ClientRowColToPoint(oGrid.ViewLayout.RowIndexToVisibleClient(nRow), oGrid.ViewLayout.ColIndexToVisibleClient(nCol))
Dim oScreenPoint As Point = oGrid.PointToScreen(oCellPoint)
Dim oFormPoint As Point = m_oLabel.Parent.PointToClient(oScreenPoint)
' Allow for text margins and then fine tune (if oStyle.TextMargins are 1, then
' this code is a bit redundant)
oFormPoint.X += oStyle.TextMargins.Left - 1
oFormPoint.Y += oStyle.TextMargins.Top - 1
' Set the label to computed position
m_oLabel.Location = oFormPoint
m_oLabel.Visible = True
m_oLabel.Font = oGrid.Font
End Sub 'ShowExtendedText