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Gridgroupingcontrol and hidecols

I have a gridgroupingcontrol with 28 columns. I am trying to hide and unhide a column. I can hide the column fine but it will not reappear if I set hidecols to false.

I am using 4.4.046.

Should I send a sample?



private void buttonAdv1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_Grid.TableControl.Model.HideCols["a"] = true;


private void buttonAdv2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_Grid.TableControl.Model.HideCols["a"] = false;

3 Replies

BC Babu Chella Velu Syncfusion Team January 9, 2007 12:48 AM UTC

Hi Ray,
You can make use of VisibleColumns property of the GridTableDescriptor to show/hide the columns in the grid.

Please refer the following KB article for more details.
How do I hide/unhide the columns in a GridGroupingControl?

Best Regards,

RA Ray January 9, 2007 03:28 PM UTC

I tried using:

No luck

I could not download your sample hidingcolumns.zip.

Here is my sample.



>Hi Ray,
You can make use of VisibleColumns property of the GridTableDescriptor to show/hide the columns in the grid.

Please refer the following KB article for more details.
How do I hide/unhide the columns in a GridGroupingControl?

Best Regards,


AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 9, 2007 06:02 PM UTC

I tried your sample in, and hiding and then unhiding seemed to work OK. Now, the column did not go back where it was. Instead, it was added as the last column in the grid. If you want it to be the first column, then try code like:

_Grid.TableDescriptor.VisibleColumns.Insert(0, "a");

to insert it at column 0 instead of adding it to theend of the collection.

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