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Resize RichText cell


I am using Syncfusion 4.1 grid.
First row in the grid contains 2 columns - one is editable dropdownlist and another is a static cell.

Second row is a covered range of the 2 columns
and the type is rich text cell

Third row is a static readonly cell

Now, If I set a value in the first row - first column, a lookup happens and I display some information on the second row. Since, the text needs to have multiple colors, I have used a Rich Text cell.

The colwidth entry has been set as 500 for this cell. However, if the value is greater than this width, I want the cell to wrap the text and increase the cell height. I have set autosize and wraptext to true while creating the cell. I also tried ResizetoFit but nothing works. My text is stripped beyond a certain width.

How can I make sure that my text wraps and gets displayed correctly. Please let me know. Thanks!


3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 5, 2006 07:17 AM UTC

Hi Venkatesh,

Please refer to the below forum thread for more details.

Best Regards,

VV Venkatesh Venkatasubramanian December 5, 2006 08:22 AM UTC

Hi Haneef,

Is it just possible to do it without using Inplace edit? Also, I have set AllowEnter=true and setting /par in my RTF string. I am also calling ResizetoFit for RowHeights. Won't that suffice?

FYI, the code given in the link doesn't compile in Syncfusion 4.1

From 4.1 standpoint, can you please provide some pointers whether I should still override OnQueryPrefferedClientSize? It would be great if you can provide steps to be followed.


>Hi Venkatesh,

Please refer to the below forum thread for more details.

Best Regards,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 5, 2006 10:47 AM UTC

Hi Venkatesh,

No,It is not possible to autosize the RichText without implementing in-place editing. Please try the attached sample and let me know if this helps.

Here is a sample which implments In-Place editing in RichTextCell.

Best Regards,

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