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Docked Panels Issues - v1.6.1.0

I am using the DockingManager and 3 docked controls (version During design time, the painting of these controls is terrible, and their contents are not refreshing properly. During run-time, however, things look as they should. When I try to switch tabs on panels that are sharing the same space, the content of the panel does not change, and I have to close the project, then re-open it to see the other panels' contents. Anybody else having the same issues?

4 Replies

DW David Whatley June 26, 2003 01:37 PM UTC

Design-time wierdness has always been a part of Syncfusion for me. The demos work great, but when you create a complex application things start to get really odd. Not sure if it's .NET or Syncfusion half the time. So far they've fixed the major problems I've had and the rest I just sorta live with. -- David

PS Prakash S Syncfusion Team June 26, 2003 10:03 PM UTC

Hi Marty, We have an open QA report on the issue of tabs in a docked group not switching correctly within the designer. This has been categorized as high priority and we will fix the problem before the next update of Essential Tools. As for the painting issues, this is not something that we have come across. Please try to send a sample application that shows the condition and we will look it. Thanks, Prakash Syncfusion, Inc

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 28, 2003 12:41 PM UTC

Since upgrading to 1.6.1, i've had the same issues with the XPMenus (not painting properly in the designer, including the Customize dialog). Stephen > Hi Marty, > > We have an open QA report on the issue of tabs in a docked group not switching correctly within the designer. This has been categorized as high priority and we will fix the problem before the next update of Essential Tools. As for the painting issues, this is not something that we have come across. Please try to send a sample application that shows the condition and we will look it. > > Thanks, > > Prakash > Syncfusion, Inc >

PS Prakash S Syncfusion Team June 30, 2003 02:45 PM UTC

Hi Stephen, Are you noticing these design-time problems when using the Tools Docking Windows component on a system running .NET 1.1 along with an instance of the standard Windows Forms menu present on the form? Prakash Syncfusion

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