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Excel Export from Grid is very slow


I try to export my Grid into an Excelfile
by using the following function:


Dim gecc As syncfusion.GridExcelConverter.GridExcelConverterControl = New Syncfusion.GridExcelConverter.GridExcelConverterControl

Dim saveFileDialog As SaveFileDialog = New saveFileDialog
saveFileDialog.Filter = "Files(*.xls)|*.xls"
saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = ".xls"

gecc.GridToExcel(Me.DataGrid.Model, saveFileDialog.FileName)


There are 10 Rows and 20 Cols with Border, Color... The exportfuntion needs more than 30 second for exporting this small grid.

any idea to spead up your function? or is there an another way to export a grid to excel?

thanks for your help

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 29, 2006 07:03 AM UTC

Hi Boris,

We were not able to reproduce the issue here. Is it possible for you to upload us a sample or modify the attached sample to reproduce the issue here? This will help us to analyse the issue further.

Here is a sample.

Best Regards,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 29, 2006 08:02 AM UTC

Hi Haneef!

Thank you for this example prog. if i run
my or your application within my development studio the export needs more than 30 seconds.

after compiling the project and run the executable the export needs only 1 second. :-)


>Hi Boris,

We were not able to reproduce the issue here. Is it possible for you to upload us a sample or modify the attached sample to reproduce the issue here? This will help us to analyse the issue further.

Here is a sample.

Best Regards,

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