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Using arrow keys for navigation and row heights

I am using a non-databound grid control. When a cell is selected and then the up or down arrow key is pressed the current cell is moved correctly. When I change rows I reset the row height back to the default in the row I am leaving and potentially change the row height of the new row. However it appears that there is some type of painting issue with the old rows column that was selected. It does not appear to get updated even though I call gridControl1.RefreshRange(GridRangeInfo.Row(nRow)); on the row. If I mouse over the area it repaints correctly.

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 23, 2003 05:25 PM UTC

The grid might have cached some layout information. Does calling grid.ViewLayout.Reset(); help? Stefan

CC Charles Carlin June 23, 2003 05:31 PM UTC

Nope. Again if I move the mouse over the areas that are "out of sync" they repaint correctly. So it seems like even though I am calling refresh on the row somehow the resize is causing it not to repaint the entire area. Nothing short of calling refresh on the whole grid works, for now I guess that is what I will do it doesn't seem to have any harmful side effects.

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