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Virtual combo in a grid

I have a GridListControl cell in a grid.
I'm binding the combo to a DataTable that contains a lot of items.

The first appearance of the dropdown list is very slow, so I'm trying to handle it in virtual mode, via the the usual QueryCellInfo/QueryColCount/QueryRowCount events, getting at the embedded grid via grid.CurrentCell.Renderer, but so far I had only so much success.

I can't get the dropdown to appear unless I bind a dummy DataTable to the cell and I can't get the selected item into the cell unless I copy it by myself in the CurrentCellCloseDropDown event.

Please note that I don't want to handle the _grid_ in virtual data mode.
It is the _combo_ that should have the data handled virtually. I'm doing that because binding a datatable containing 200K lines to the combo takes too long.

I attached a project that shows what problems I am having with it:
1) I can't get the selected item from the combo into the grid cell
2) I can't make AutoComplete work for the cell that contains the combo.

Could you please help?


2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 7, 2006 10:16 AM UTC

Hi Raul,

Issue 1 : I can't get the selected item from the combo into the grid cell

The reason that you are trying to access GridListControl record which datasource have the zero record. (you are virtual display the rows in a DropDownGridListControl) .

Issue 2 : I can't make AutoComplete work for the cell that contains the combo.

There is no data rows present in the datasource of the dropdown gridListControl.

I have contacted the development team regarding the performance issue in DropDownGridListcontrol and update with some details. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 7, 2006 03:18 PM UTC

Well, I had to attach a datatable to the combo so that the list drops down. Is there's a way to do without it and still have the combo list drop down and simply get its data via the virtual mode events?

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