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Dockable Windows - Best Practices

I have an MDI application which has multiple dockable windows. It was very easy to add a panel to the MDI container and set it’s ”Enable Docking on DockingManager” property. However, there is a fair amount of cose behind each of these dockable windows which ends up in the MDI's code file which is quite large. Ideally, there would be a way to seperate the code.

I'm curently looking to convert one of my standard forms to a docking window. I know that I could add a panel to the MDI, copy the conrols to the panel and then paste all of the code into the MDI code window, but I'm hoping that there is a clean way of seperating things out.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 3, 2006 06:52 PM UTC

Hi Scott,

A Standard Form can be docked to the MDI Window by using the SetEnableDocking() method of the DockingManager.


For this to work, you have to set the following properties to the Child form.

frmChild.TopLevel = false;
frmChild.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;

Here is the link of the KB which explains the same.
How to dock a form within a host form?

I have also attached a sample. Kindly look in to it and let me know whether this is what you actually needed.



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