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GridGroupingControl perfomance


I am the person who buy software in company. Recently I've comapre Syncfusion GridGroupingControl and XtraGrid (from DevExpress(devexpress.com)).
I create DataTable (100,000 rows * 100 columns, all columns are typeof(int) and filed by random.Next(4)). After that I've just make grid.DataSource = dt; (where dt is created datatable).
A little bit statistics:
after creating datatable: memory 107 Mb
after xtragrid.DataSource = dt : 130 Mb and only 16 sec to draw
after gridgroupingcontrol.DataSource = dt : ~300 Mb and 2 min to draw!!!
after grouping by one column: 140 Mb by XtraGrid and ~500 Mb by GGC!!!

I've try to turn on Engine.AllowOptimization = All, but it didn't help me. How can I switch ggc to virtual mode. I don't want to GGC caching datasource. Can your grid grouping and sorting in virtual mode?


2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 2, 2006 12:31 PM UTC

Hi Andrew,

The GroupingPerf browser( \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\GroupingPerf\) sample will let you fill a grouping grid with a specified number of records and toggle various options that can affect the speed of the grid. You can specify whether the records should be sorted, if maximum column width should be calculated and/or use a custom sort routine.

Also refer to the Performance category sample for more details.

Let me know if this helps.

Best Regards,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 2, 2006 03:37 PM UTC

Thanks a lot!

I've turn off AllowCalculateMaxColumnWidth and get memory and time charges like XtraGrid. I think that you have a momory leak in calculation of columnwidth... or may be you should calculate size of numbers with out creation strings (for example by logarithm function and format string)

By the way, yours examples don't compiles because of GGC doesn't have InsertRemoveBehavior, UpdateDisplayFrequency and EnableDoubleBufferSerface() (I've compile with Syncfusion

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