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Dockmanager switches docked controls with each other on save/load

I save out my dock manager using the following code:
private byte[] GetDockState()
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
AppStateSerializer appStateSer = new AppStateSerializer(SerializeMode.XMLFile, ms);
string stateStr = ms.ToString();
return ms.ToArray();

and load it back like this:
private void SetDockState(byte[] value)
_dockMgr.LoadDockState(new AppStateSerializer(
SerializeMode.XMLFile, new MemoryStream(value)));
However when I do, two of the controls are reversed. This happens every time, so if I save and load, they swap again. How can I fix this?


1 Reply

MU Murugan Syncfusion Team October 11, 2006 04:17 PM UTC

Hi Daniel,

Since we have another forum on same isssue, Please follow the forum
Controls are reversed when saving/loading a dockManager

Murugan P.S

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