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Dos Based printing in VB while using printer object.

Dear Sir, Graphical printing is slow for Dot Matrix Printer (DMP). Whenever I Start printing on DMP from VB application using printer object. It is slower than MS DOS based printing. I want to print on DMP as MS DOS based Fast printing from VB application using Printer Object in VB ? Please help me out. With Lov Prg. Sanjay K Dixit

5 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 12, 2003 07:02 AM UTC

> Dear Sir, > > Graphical printing is slow for Dot Matrix Printer (DMP). Whenever I Start printing on DMP from VB application using printer object. It is slower than MS DOS based printing. > I want to print on DMP as MS DOS based Fast printing from VB application using Printer Object in VB ? > Please help me out. > > With Lov Prg. > > Sanjay K Dixit >

MG muji gopinath November 28, 2003 02:12 PM UTC

i too have the same quries to get a reply will any one help me also in this regard thank you muji > Dear Sir, > > Graphical printing is slow for Dot Matrix Printer (DMP). Whenever I Start printing on DMP from VB application using printer object. It is slower than MS DOS based printing. > I want to print on DMP as MS DOS based Fast printing from VB application using Printer Object in VB ? > Please help me out. > > With Lov Prg. > > Sanjay K Dixit >

HP h patel January 16, 2004 04:26 AM UTC

mail me on this email id infosilex@yahoo.com

HP h patel January 16, 2004 04:30 AM UTC

Private Declare Function WritePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long, _ pBuf As Any, _ ByVal cdBuf As Long, _ pcWritten As Long) As Long Private Declare Function OpenPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" _ Alias "OpenPrinterA" _ (ByVal pPrinterName As String, _ phPrinter As Long, _ pDefault As Any) As Long Private Declare Function ClosePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long) As Long Private Declare Function StartDocPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" _ Alias "StartDocPrinterA" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long, _ ByVal Level As Long, _ pDocInfo As Byte) As Long Private Declare Function EndDocPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" _ (ByVal hPrinter As Long) As Long Private Sub Print_File(FName As String) Dim StrToPrint As String Dim LngPrinted As Long Dim lhPrinter As Long Dim PrntErr As Long If (FName = "") Then MsgBox "Nothing to Print", vbCritical, "Error" Exit Sub End If PrntErr = OpenPrinter(Printer.DeviceName, lhPrinter, 0&) If (PrntErr = 0) Then MsgBox "Error in Printing ", vbCritical, "Error" Exit Sub End If PrntErr = StartDocPrinter(lhPrinter, 1, 0&) If (PrntErr = 0) Then 'Printer is Directly connected to the Machine Call Prnt_2_Port(FName) Exit Sub End If Open FName For Input As #1 StrToPrint = "" While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, StrToPrint StrToPrint = StrToPrint + Chr(13) + Chr(10) WritePrinter lhPrinter, ByVal StrToPrint, _ Len(StrToPrint), LngPrinted Wend EndDocPrinter lhPrinter ClosePrinter lhPrinter Close #1 End Sub

HP h patel January 16, 2004 04:32 AM UTC

Sub Prnt_2_Port(FName As String) Open FName For Input As #1 'Since the Printer might be connected to LPT1 or LPT2 it 'had been changed to Printer.Port - KSM (21/11/2002) 'On Error GoTo To_NPrint Open Printer.Port For Output As #2 StrToPrint = "" While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, StrToPrint If Right(StrToPrnt, 1) = " " Then StrToPrnt = Mid(StrToPrnt, 1, Len(StrToPrnt) - 1) Print #2, StrToPrint Wend Close #2 Close #1 Exit Sub

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