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Issues in font colors set through Settings and methods

I have created my own language settings INI file. It works generally satisfactorily, but there are two issues, on which I hope to get help here: Question 1. I want to color-code numeric literal values (numbers). I haven't figured out how to do this, because I am using a Tag, and have no ENDCHAR to provide. The problem then is that entire remainder of the line is interpreted as part of the literal, and is colored as a literal, regardless of what it contains. Here is a sample of some of my Tag definitions for literal: [Tag4] ColorGroup=Literal BeginTag=0 EndTag=\ MultiLine=0 EscapeChar= [Tag5] ColorGroup=Literal BeginTag=1 EndTag=\ MultiLine=0 EscapeChar= I attach my Settings.INI file (called "csl.ini") Question 2. When I add one of my own custom indicators (which by coincidence happens to be called "breakpoint"), I try to highlight the line using white characters on a red background. The instructions I use are the following: ec.AddIndicator(l, "Breakpoint Indicator"); ec.SetCustomForeColor(l, White); ec.SetCustomBackColor(l, DarkRed); Unfortunately, the SetCustomForeColor instruction does not change the font colors to White - they retain their original coloring (set by the settings INI file). Any idea why the SetCustomForeColor fails to give me my White forecolor? And, any known workaround for this situation? Sincerely, Hugh Potts The AEgis Technologies Group, Inc. Tel. 512-615-3575

1 Reply

HP Hugh Potts May 23, 2003 12:52 PM UTC

I got an answer from the Support Center. It goes as follows: [Updated on 5/23/2003 5:06:15 AM by: trampasn@syncfusion.com] Hi Hugh, For item number 2 (custom fore colors), this was a bug. I have fixed this for the next version of Edit, which is due out any day now. For the first item - I am looking into this. As you can see, there currently is not a good way to perform this. -Trampas

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