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Hi, I am using GDBG. I use the following code to delete a row, when the user double clicks on the grid. but its not deleting the first row or the last added row. DataTable table = (DataTable) syfGrid.DataSource; int curRowIndex = syfGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex; if (syfGrid.Model.RowCount > 1 && curRowIndex > 0 && syfGrid.Model.RowCount > curRowIndex ) { int recNumber = syfGrid.Binder.RowIndexToPosition(curRowIndex); syfGrid.Binder.RemoveRecords(recNumber, recNumber); } else { Console.WriteLine("No More rows / CurCell is not set"); } Pls throw a light onthis. Many Thx Ram

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 22, 2003 07:17 PM UTC

Try calling syfGrid.Binder.EndEdit() before you execute the code. If you own the source code version, you can step into the syfGrid.Binder.RemoveRecords call to see why the deleting is failing.

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