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Toolbar MouseOver equivalent event

What event is firing when the user hovers the mouse over a toolbar item? I'd like to trap it and have the same event fire on another toolbar item.

6 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 27, 2002 06:01 PM UTC

The BarItem.Selected event will be fired when a mouse hovers over a toolbar item. I didn't get the other part: same event fire of another toolbar item? -Praveen Ramesh

SH Sam Horton June 27, 2002 06:35 PM UTC

I'm trying to mimic the behavior of the Outlook 2002 toolbar item shown in the attachment. Any suggestions much appreciated! (I also asked the wrong question -- I see the selected event fire; what event is firing when the button is no longer selected and can I intercept it?)

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 28, 2002 05:07 PM UTC

The ParentBarItem's Tooltip and ImageIndex property should be updated based on the context. The framework will then take care of showing the tooltip and the right image for you. -Praveen Ramesh

SH Sam Horton June 29, 2002 01:28 AM UTC

Yes, and it does when changed. The difference is in behavior. By default if one clicks any part of the button the list drops down; I'm going to write code to change that so that it behaves like the Outlook 2002 control.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 2, 2002 07:27 PM UTC

Sam, Set the ParentBarItem's ParentStyle to ParentBarItemStyle.DropDown. This will give you the Outlook style behavior. -Praveen

SH Sam Horton July 11, 2002 10:08 AM UTC

> Sam, > > Set the ParentBarItem's ParentStyle to ParentBarItemStyle.DropDown. > > This will give you the Outlook style behavior. > > -Praveen Thank you very much, Praveen!! Works great!

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