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DataGridColumns created at run time don't auto fit initialy

Hi, I am trying to use a single GridDataBoundGrid to display the result of queries to different tables. I have created an array of GridBoundColumn for each type of query and depending of the query the user is issuing, the appropriate GridBoundColumn[] is loaded in the grid with "this.myGrid.GridBoundColumns.AddRange(myColumns)". The first time the grid is displayed, the column header shows the header text wrapped (ex: "my first header" is shown as "my First" and "header" on a second line). If I issue the same query again, the column then resizes and shows the whole text header on a single line...

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 18, 2003 06:45 PM UTC

You can explicitly autosize things by: 1) set this.myGrid.AllowResizeToFit = false; to turn off the grid's auto resizing (so your explicit resizing will not be stepped upon). 2) After setting the data into the grid, call this.myGrid.Model.ColWidths.ResizeToFit(GridRangeInfo.Row(0), GridResizeToFitOptions.IncludeHeaders);

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