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How to modify field information before they are displayed in a GridDataBoundGrid

I use the GridDataBoundGrid to display some table of my db. However some column does not contain "human readable" information. I need to parse the information to translate it into something meanfull to the user. The resulting will be a simple string. How can I acheive that? I know in standard DataBinding, you can override de Format function, but I did not found how I could do something similar with the grid. Thank you! Stephane

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 2, 2006 03:32 AM UTC

Hi Stephane, The QueryCellFormattedText event can be handled and there the cell value can be parsed and the resultant simple string can be set to the e.Text. Sample attached. Regards, Calvin.


SG Stephane Guerin June 9, 2006 07:40 PM UTC

Thanks! That''s what I need. Stephane

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