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include how to tell if windows is trying to close the application or if the user is.

Your post about Setting a Form to Be Invisible at Its Inception was very helpful to me although it lacked the answer to that question. I have a program that can only be closed using the notify icon in the taskbar. The closed event is cancelled. I need to use application.exit() there but only when windows is trying to close the app to restart the computer.

2 Replies

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team May 13, 2003 12:39 PM UTC

Maybe the Application.ApplicationExit will get called before your Closing event? -Praveen

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 30, 2003 01:07 PM UTC

This is what I had to do: public static void ShuttingDown() { StackTrace Trace = new StackTrace(true); if(Trace.FrameCount > 13) { if(Trace.GetFrame(14).GetMethod().Name=="WmSysCommand") { e.Cancel=true; this.Visible=false; } } }

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