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performance hit in chart

Hi, Encountered performance issue in chart while generating a single chart with more Bars/stacked bars for eg. 3000 bars. We have implemented ZoomFactor to get the scroll bar to view all the bars. Even when we move the scrollbar, chart takes long time to redraw the chart. We have used the custom label for X-Axis. Could you please help on this. Thanks dms

3 Replies

GM Geetha M Syncfusion Team May 11, 2006 01:40 PM UTC

Hi, The performance of the ChartControl can be improved by setting the following properties: 1. ChartControl.Indexed : Setting Indexed to false speeds up the Chart. This is not a choice for making the Chart faster. If you don''t need a Indexed/Positional Chart, you must set this property to false. 2. ChartControl.CalcRegions: This property controls Tooltips and AutoHighliting. If this value is set to false, these features will not work. 3. ChartSeries.EnableStyles: Point Symbols and Point Text will not be visible if set to false. 4. ChartSeries.Style.DisplayShadow: This is set to true by default. Turning it off means, your lines will not have shadows (and hence will be rendered faster) Thanks for bringing the issue of Chart slows on moving the scrollbar with more number of points. I have logged a bug report on this and you can track the status of this issue in the following link: http://www.syncfusion.com/support/issues/chart/Default.aspx?ToDo=view&questId=2061 Regards, Geetha

DM dms May 11, 2006 10:01 PM UTC

Hi, I could draw a chart very fast for more points if I disable all below properties. But my chart becomes a show piece. User can''t infer anything from that. Let me know if you have any other solution. Thanks, dms >Hi, > >The performance of the ChartControl can be improved by setting the following properties: > >1. ChartControl.Indexed : Setting Indexed to false speeds up the Chart. This is not a choice for making the Chart faster. If you don''t need a Indexed/Positional Chart, you must set this property to false. > >2. ChartControl.CalcRegions: This property controls Tooltips and AutoHighliting. If this value is set to false, these features will not work. > >3. ChartSeries.EnableStyles: Point Symbols and Point Text will not be visible if set to false. > >4. ChartSeries.Style.DisplayShadow: This is set to true by default. Turning it off means, your lines will not have shadows (and hence will be rendered faster) > >Thanks for bringing the issue of Chart slows on moving the scrollbar with more number of points. I have logged a bug report on this and you can track the status of this issue in the following link: > >http://www.syncfusion.com/support/issues/chart/Default.aspx?ToDo=view&questId=2061 > >Regards, >Geetha

GM Geetha M Syncfusion Team May 23, 2006 06:26 AM UTC

Hi, I feel sorry for the delay in responding to this post. I am afraid that I am not able to reproduce the issue. Disabling the above properties should improve the performance of the Chart when there is a user interaction like mouse movement. Please find attached the simple sample which plots with 3000 bars. F44019.zip Kindly try reproducing the issue with this sample and send it back to me so that it would be easier for me to find a better solution. Regards, Geetha

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