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User guide ?

Hi all . Is there a user guide ? Where are the step-by-step instruction for how should I use the bar wizards ? I looked at the installed documentation and could find only a high level summary of the features. Thanks Amit This is answer 36 in the relevant knowledgebase : How to incorporate the XP Menus framework into my application You should use the XP Menus framework as a replacement to the menus provided by the .NET framework. Using them both will result in improper behavior. Take a look at our user’s guide for a step by step tutorial on how to incorporate XP Menus in your forms. You should basically use a MainFrameBarManger (for designing a MDIContainer in an MDI scenario or a top-level form in an SDI scenario) or ChildFrameBarManager (for designing a MDIChild in an MDI scenario). The BarManager will let you add a main menu and toolbars to your forms. Main-Menus and toolbars of an MDIChild form will be seamlessly merged with its parent’s during run-time. You should add BarItems into the BarManager, representing each user selectable / clickable item in the menu / toolbar. Once added, you can drag-and-drop BarItems into the toolbars and submenus as desired in a WYSIWYG design-time.

4 Replies

MJ Mano J Syncfusion Team April 28, 2006 02:14 PM UTC

Hi Amit, Thanks for using Essential Tools. You can make use of our online documentation http://www.syncfusion.com/library/default.aspx Here is the link which contains the step by step tutorial of creating XPMenus. http://www.syncfusion.com/library/menuswindows/tutorials9.html Please let me know if you need more assistance. Regards, Mano

AW Amit Weisman April 28, 2006 04:02 PM UTC

Thanks Mano. The tutorials are very helpful. Thanks Amit

RH Richard Haggard October 26, 2006 02:52 PM UTC

Actually, when I try that link I get 'error 404, not found'.
Richard Haggard

>Thanks Mano.
>The tutorials are very helpful.

MJ Mano J Syncfusion Team October 26, 2006 04:22 PM UTC

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