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DataBoundGrid CRUD Example wanted!

Hi I''m new to DataBoundGrid and I am looking for an example that shows how to update the underlying DataSet in order to reflect the changes that the user applies to the Grid (I only work with a dataset with one table - so far). This counts for 1) addings records 2) deleting 3) editing existing records 4) sorting rows or column (so that they stay where they are after a refresh) The examples I find usually only show how to fill a Grid with a dataset and display data - not modifying data and changing the DataSet. Where Can I find such an example.. it should be pretty basic.. Hope someone can help me Rasmus

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 27, 2006 01:06 PM UTC

Hi Rasmus, The best way to do this would be calling the grid.BeginUpdate() and grid.Binder.SuspendBinding() before you modify the underlying DataSource and call grid.Binder.ResumeBinding() and grid.EndUpdate() after that. SuspendBinding and ResumeBinding are two methods that allow the temporary suspension and resumption of data binding. You would typically suspend data binding if you want to make several changes to the data source without immediately updating the grid after each change. The attached sample shows how to update the underlying DataSet in order to reflect the changes that the user applies to the Grid. Here is a sample. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/user/uploads/DataBoundGrid_12123f5.zip For more details, See the KB Article http://www.syncfusion.com/support/kb/grid/Default.aspx?ToDo=view&questId=99 http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/article.aspx?id=10443 Please let me know if you need any further assistance. Thanks for choosing Syncfusion Products. Best Regards, Haneef

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