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Two grids bound to a DataRelation - possible?

Hi; I'd like to be able to display two grids on a form utilizing a relationship (utilizing a two table DataSet with a DataRelation defined), so that when I switch a row on the grid refering to the master table, only the detail rows in the second grid would display. There's no .SetDataBinding method for this as there is for the MS datagrid and the only examples of table relationships seems to be within the confines of a single grid. Has anyone else tried this or know how this could be set up? Thanks in advance. Mike O'Connor mocon@optonline.net

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 8, 2003 02:44 PM UTC

Attached is a triple Master-Detail-SubDetail sample.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 31, 2003 01:43 PM UTC

Clay, I am using I am using similar setup in my app. This bug is driving me crazy for a while. The values in my detail keep resetting. 1. Run c# project in your attachment. 2. Click in Child grid first row Name cell. Change "ChildName0" to "abc". Without hitting any enter key, click in "parentName1". 3. Change "ChildName1" to "ChildName1asd". 4. Click back in "parentName0". Notice that instead of showing "abc" it shows "ChildName1asd". You can play around changing child and parent names and see them getting messedup. Sometimes it keeps loosing changed values in the child table randomly. thanks, - Reddy

DL Doug Lind January 6, 2004 01:37 PM UTC

Clay, this is exactly what I''m trying to do but it appears that the sample code wasn''t attached to the response. Thanks, Doug >Attached is a triple Master-Detail-SubDetail sample.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 6, 2004 02:40 PM UTC

Sorry. Try hitting the link again....

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