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GDBG - Grid inside a grid - multiselect checkbox

Hi, My requirement is that I want a GDBG grid in which one of the columns is a grid with checkboxes. I should be able to check multiple items in that grid for a single row. Is this possible? Thanks, Gayathri.

6 Replies

GA Gayathri April 17, 2006 09:12 AM UTC

If yes, can anyone please post any sample code for that? Thanks. >Hi, > >My requirement is that I want a GDBG grid in which one of the columns is a grid with checkboxes. I should be able to check multiple items in that grid for a single row. Is this possible? > >Thanks, >Gayathri. > >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 17, 2006 01:45 PM UTC

Hi Gayathri, Kindly provide us some more details on this issue, as we could not able to get the issue clearly. Please refer to the following link for a browser sample which demonstrates a method to show dropdown grid with hierarchal tables. Broswer Sample : GDBGwithDropGrids [ \\windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\DataBound\GDBGwithDropGrids ] Thanks, Madhan

GA Gayathri April 18, 2006 05:29 AM UTC

Hi, We have a grid data bound grid and in one of the columns we many have to choose many items from a list of employees. For that purpose, we need a checkbox option for every list item.. after selecting the items, we are required to display the options in a comma separated text. So we are planning to have a checkedlistbox inside a grid. Can we get any sample code for this implementation ? Thanks , Gayathri. >Hi Gayathri, > >Kindly provide us some more details on this issue, as we could not able to get the issue clearly. Please refer to the following link for a browser sample which demonstrates a method to show dropdown grid with hierarchal tables. > >Broswer Sample : GDBGwithDropGrids [ \\windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\DataBound\GDBGwithDropGrids ] > >Thanks, >Madhan

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 18, 2006 07:32 AM UTC

Hi Gayathri, This can be achieved by using the custom DropDown. Here is a sample which, shows the custom checkbox DropDown being added to an unbound column of the grid. Sample : MultiCheckBox_DropDown Broswer Sample : DropDownFormAndUserControlSample [ \\windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\In Depth\DropDownFormAndUserControlSample ] Best regards, Madhan

GA Gayathri April 19, 2006 05:33 AM UTC

Hi, We are using Syncfusion version 1.5 and the solution you had given is getting a lot of build errors. Moreover, we are using VB.NET. Can you please send a solution that is compatible with our version and in VB.NET? Thanks. >Hi Gayathri, > >This can be achieved by using the custom DropDown. Here is a sample which, shows the custom checkbox DropDown being added to an unbound column of the grid. > >Sample : MultiCheckBox_DropDown >Broswer Sample : DropDownFormAndUserControlSample [ \\windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\In Depth\DropDownFormAndUserControlSample ] > >Best regards, >Madhan

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 20, 2006 11:50 AM UTC

Hi Gayathri, Attached is a sample in VB.NET and grid version 1.5. Regards, Calvin.


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