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Still a bug in setting BorderStyle.None to TabControlExt

Hi, A couple months ago, I reported the bug of setting BorderStyle to None for the TabControlExt would still have a border of 1 pixel on the TabPage. (TabControlExt.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None) I was told that this is supposed to be fixed in However, I'm still having the same problem with the latest upgrade. Please advise. Thanks. Aaron

4 Replies

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team April 30, 2003 01:12 PM UTC

Aaron, I confirmed that this feature has been implemented internally and will be in our next release (we will notify you), in 10 days, approx. Regards, Praveen Ramesh

AC Aaron Ching May 4, 2003 01:20 AM UTC


RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team May 5, 2003 11:17 AM UTC

You are welcome.

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team May 15, 2003 04:36 PM UTC

Hi, Version is available for download. Please find below the link to download the full version: http://www.syncfusion.net/squiffler/Patches/v1602/SyncfusionEssentialSuiteSetup.exe Please let us know if this solves the issues you are experiencing. Thanks and regards, Davis Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion, Inc.

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