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custom grid cell with combo box

Hello, I have created a custom cell type that derives from the 'GridDropDownCellModel'. On drop down, I am displaying a user control that, among other things, has a combo box. When I use the .NET combo box and attempt to click on it, the whole popup disappears. I swapped out the combo box with your ComboBoxExt control (which I would prefer to use) and get similar issues. I know it has something to with only having one popup shown at a time, but all attempts to manipulate popup parents and so forth have been unsuccessful. Can you provide some direction? Thanks, Terry

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 20, 2003 09:42 PM UTC

Hi Terry, check out these knowledge base articles, especially the last one. http://www.syncfusion.com/KB/Tools/Tools_c28c.asp#q583q Let us know if that didn't help. Stefan

TF Terry Foster April 21, 2003 03:59 PM UTC

Thanks - this helped for a .NET combo box. Terry

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