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I have created a usercontrol that is basically an edit box. I have also built into it some validation. The validation is contained in its own class, so in the solution I have the usercontrol and the validation projects. Everything compiles fine. If I then create a new solution and want to add my usercontrol to the toolbox, I navigate to either the bin\release or obj\release folders to choose the dll. When it is being added to the toolbox, VS complains that the assembly needs the referenced class to be included. i.e. the validation class. Given that I only want to put the usercontrol into the toolbox (I cant add the validaton class - it has no UI), how do I do it ? Any help appreciated Thanks BOb

1 Reply

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team April 18, 2003 12:31 PM UTC

I think if the validation class's assembly is placed beside your ui assembly, vs.net will pick it up automatically, didn't it? -Praveen

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