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Dear Syncfusion I have downloaded your trial version of the SyncfusionGrid and find it very interesting but I have a couple questions. a) What files are needed for distributing a Winform application to the end-user? I have made a test-project using the grid-control and in the reference section of the solution explorer, I have the "Copy Local" set to true for the "syncfusion.grid" and "syncfusion.Shared". When I look in my bin-folder after rebuild there are 4 syncfusion-files (Syncfusion.Grid, Syncfusion.Grid.dll, Syncfusion.Shared, Syncfusion.Shared.dll). I'm concerned about the sizes of those files, expecially Syncfusion.grid which is over 2MB! - it is larger than my whole project (including two other 3.party usercontrols). Is it really nessesary to distribute all this files? And is there some other way to make the total size smaller? b) This one is more practical. Is it possible to prevent the user from selecting specific rows? I don't want the user to make "row-selection" in the first 2 rows. I have made all the cells in the rows read-only but the user can still select the cells and the entire row.

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 13, 2003 07:28 AM UTC

a) Currently, you would need to distribute Syncfusion.Shared.DLL and Syncfusion.Grid.DLL. I am not what the other two files you mentioned are, but they are not needed for xcopy deployment. In the future, we *MAY* offer some way to reduce the size of the deployed DLLs depending upon the fucntionality you access, but for now you have to include the whole grid assembly. b) You can prevent a cell from being clickable or becoming current with the style's Enabled property. But this will not prevent it from being selected if it is part of a selected range of cells. To prevent a cell from being selected, you can handle the gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.SelectionChanging or gridControl1.SelectionChanging event, and if the cell is contained in the e.Range, then cancel the selection through e.Cancel property.

KC Kent Carlsson April 13, 2003 12:53 PM UTC

The "hide file-extension" in XP fooled me :-) The two other files I mentioned are XML-files, so put the .XML-extension after. One of those is 2MB in size - the other almost 1MB!!! What is the role of those files and do I need to deploy them?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 13, 2003 03:44 PM UTC

The XML files are used in the DevStu environment to provide intellisense help. You normally would not distribute them with your app.

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