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What row has the selected cell in a virtual grid

I have a virtual grid and I need to detect what row is current. By current row I mean what row has the current (focused) cell if one is selected or what row is current if an entire row is selected. The only event of the GridControl that seems to apply is SelectionChanged. It has been very frustrating trying to use this event because it only seems to fire if I use the mouse. If I check the row value of the current cell when this event does fire, it is not correct. What event (or events) can I listen to always be aware when the row of any current (focused/selected) cell changes. I need to know whether the user clicks on a cell with the mouse or moves to different cell using the arrow keys. Thanks, Ken

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 10, 2005 02:37 PM UTC

You can use the grid.CurrentCellMoved event to picked out when the currentcell has moved either by the user clicking a cell or using the arrow/tab keys. grid.CurrentCell.RowIndex will give you the new current row in that event.

KL Ken Law December 11, 2005 04:54 PM UTC

Thanks Clay. Sorry for the very simple question, but I was looking at the class reference in the integrated help and many of the events are not listed there. I will look in the grid properties to find the complete list of events in the future. Ken

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