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Font Orientation and cell/row width and heigth

Hi, I'm playing around with the font's orientation in header cols. All I want to have is that the font is oriented by 90 degrees and the whole text is displayed in the (header) cell. But I don't manage it. Can someone give me a hint? Here's my code snippet: private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { gc[1,1].Text = "isdahfkashdfasdfjaskfdjaslkdfjklsjdfkasjdfklsjfkljasldkfj"; gc[1,1].Font.Orientation = 90; //gc[1,1].WrapText = false; //gc.ColWidths.ResizeToFit(Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridRangeInfo.Cell(1,1)); gc.RowHeights.ResizeToFit(Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridRangeInfo.Cell(1,1)); gc.Refresh(); } thanks, Michael

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 9, 2003 01:48 PM UTC

There appears to be a problem with the RowHeights.ResizeToFit handling the Orientation properly. We will have to look into it. As a workaround, you could calculate the string length and use that for the row height. Here is a little snippet.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
	this.gridControl1[1,1].Text = "isdahfkashdfasdfjaskfdjaslkdfjklsjdfkasjdfklsjfkljasldkfj";
	this.gridControl1[1,1].WrapText = false;
	this.gridControl1[1,1].Font.Orientation = 90;

	Graphics g = this.gridControl1.CreateGraphics();
	this.gridControl1.RowHeights[1] = 
 		(int) g.MeasureString(this.gridControl1[1,1].Text ,this.gridControl1.Font).Width; 		

	//this.gridControl1.ColWidths[1] = 24;


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