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Custom Rendered TabControlExt

I'm using your sample code to create a control similar to the DemoTabs.cs tab control and rendering classes. I've noticed that when the tab control alignment is changed, the rendering class is oblivious to this. I'd like to change this behaviour. What would you reccommend as a method of informing the rendering class of property changes (like TabControlExt.Alignment)? Is there a way for the rendering class to refer to the tab control class?

4 Replies

RM Roy Muller June 14, 2002 11:42 AM UTC

I think I found it... :-) From the custom rendering class: MyTabControl l_parent = (MyTabControl)this.parent.GetControl();

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 17, 2002 12:50 PM UTC

Hi, In case you have issues with custom rendering, please open a new support incident. Also, we have better documentation (class reference) for the rendering classes in Tools RC2 (released last on 6/14/02). Regards -Praveen Ramesh Syncfusion, Inc.

RM Roy Muller June 27, 2002 10:19 AM UTC

Updated for Tools RC2: MyTabControl l_parent = (MyTabControl)this.TabControl;

RM Roy Muller June 27, 2002 10:46 AM UTC

Thanks, Praveen :-) I was having upgrade/installation issues on my system and had out-of-date/missing docs. Uninstalling and reinstalling all syncfusion products cleaned things up.

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