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Version 3.3 - CheckBoxAdv - Text position varies

I have an issue with checkboxes that are aligned vertically. The space between the checkbox and the text varies so the text doesn''t line up. CheckAlign & TextContentAlignment are both set to MiddleLeft on all the controls. To demonstrate this, set up 3 checkboxes and align their left sides. Make the text on each checkbox have a different number of words. Now, drag the width of the checkboxes to make them wider and narrower. This causes the distance between the checkbox and text to vary - it''s behaving like it''s trying to justify the text. I created incident 21602 with a repro project but have received no response.

1 Reply

AR Anupama Roy Syncfusion Team October 31, 2005 01:53 PM UTC

Hi Lori, I have updated the incident 21602.Due to certain problems with the DirectTrac uploading,I could not open the sample you have attached.Could you please re-send the sample to my id anur@syncfusion.com Sorry for any inconvienience caused. Regards, Anu.

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