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Trying to select a row and...

Hello all, I'm selecting a row in a GDBG whenever a user clicks a cell. I can hide the border the grid paints around the current cell doing this: m_Grid.ShowCurrentCellBorderBehavior = GridShowCurrentCellBorder.HideAlways But the current cell has the background color different from all the other cells selected in my row. What can I do to have the current cell have the same appearance the other selected cells have? Thank you in advance.

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 31, 2003 01:55 PM UTC

Try handling the CurrentCellActivating event and set e.Colindex = 0 in the handler.

MN Manuel ngel Da Cruz Blanco March 31, 2003 02:06 PM UTC

That worked. Thanks a lot. :)

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