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Problem with display of col and row 0 in non-databound grid

I am using a non-databound grid control and upon selecting a row I am (in the currentcellmoving event) changing the row height and refreshing the row. Basically I am expanded some columns in the row to use a embedded grid control (from the sample) and increase the row height so all rows in the embedded grid can be seen. I have a random occurance that will eventually happen to me where I lose the borders on col zero and row zero (aka headers). There is no regular event that causes this, I can just quickly click from row to row and it will happen. It doesn't appear to be a "paint" issue since it does not go back. Sometime it occurs on each row as you click on it, then repainting will make it happen on all rows. After this happens sometime (again I have not found any real pattern yet). My applications banner will turn black except for the application icon.

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 14, 2003 05:38 PM UTC

One more update I found that if I disable Themes then it doesn't appear to have the problem, it also seems to paint much quicker. The problem with the banner bar still appears to happen upon closing the form with the grid on it.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 14, 2003 05:57 PM UTC

Hi Chuck, I think this is related to a memory leak we found recently in the themes code. We will have that fixed in the next version. If you need a fix immediately just open a support incident and will give you instructions how to get a interim version that fixes the problem. Stefan

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