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Reg: GridGroupingControl [F3 and F4]

Hi, I am using gridGrouping Control. In that control first column is checkbox. F3 Key --> Check the checkbox F4 Key --> Uncheck the checkbox My problem is if user select rows from the grid( For example 4 rows) and then user click F3 button from the key board, the selected rows should get checked.(F4 button --> Unchecked) How do i do that..? Thanks, Anna

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 17, 2005 11:01 AM UTC

You can handle the TableControlCurrrentCellControlKeyMessage event.
private void gridGroupingControl1_TableControlCurrentCellControlKeyMessage(object sender, GridTableControlCurrentCellControlKeyMessageEventArgs e)
		Keys keyCode = (Keys) ((int)e.Inner.Msg.WParam) & Keys.KeyCode;
	if(e.Inner.Msg.Msg == 0x100 //WM_KEYDOWN
		if(keyCode == Keys.F3)
			//loop through the selected records and do waht you want
			e.Inner.Handled = true;
			e.Inner.Result = true;
		else if(keyCode == Keys.F4)
			//loop through the selected records and do waht you want
			e.Inner.Handled = true;
			e.Inner.Result = true;

AS Anna Srinivasan August 17, 2005 11:44 AM UTC

Hi, Please go through the sample. In this sample i have done what you have told. But, check and uncheck are not happenning. Note: Some time it is happening. GGC_SelectCheckBox_ecdfd005_6292.zip

AS Anna Srinivasan August 17, 2005 01:04 PM UTC

Hi, I got the solution.. If i use (gridGroupingControl1_TableControlCurrentCellKeyUp) this event i can able to get that functionality. Thanks, Anna

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