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Control Activation Modes

I am using V3.3 and I love the new control activation modes...activete on Click, Double Click etc. However, I think you need on more, that would be ClickPassThrough. I want the control to act as if it is always active (from the users perspective. I would love it it the control was always active but if that cannot be done, I would like to see a mode where the mouse down would activate the control and pass the mouse down to the control. For example. Lets say I have a ComboBox as my embedded control. When the user click on the combo box drop down triangle, they expect the dropdown to appear on mouse down. Right now, even with Activate on Click, the user still must click once, release and then click again to get the dropdown. I would be great if the activate on mouse down and pass mouse down could be done for such a case as this. Text boxes have the same problem.

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 15, 2005 02:18 PM UTC

Hello PM, Thank you for bringing this requirement to our attention. The ClickPassThrough activation option would definitely be a very useful addition to the ControlNode activation styles. I have logged a feature request, and we will do our best to provide the functionality in a future update of the product. Regards, Prakash Surendra Syncfusion Inc.,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 16, 2005 07:03 PM UTC

We are pleased to inform that a new ActivateStyle.ClickPassThrough option has been added to the ControlNode activation styles. This activation style will, as requested, activate the child control and pass on the click event to it. Clicking a ControlNode with the ClickPassThrough style will generate the appropriate mouse events to simulate a click on the underlying control itself, and will thus make it respond accordingly. This feature will be made available as part of a minor update of Essential Diagram in a 2 to 3 week timeframe. Regards, Prakash Surendra Syncfusion Inc.,

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