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GridTableCellStyleInfo and Rows

Hi, is it possible to set the cell type for a whole row instead of a column? For a column I do something like this GridTableCellStyleInfo valStyle = parentTD.Columns["Value"].Appearance.AnyRecordFieldCell; injStyle.Format = "##.00"; Is there something similar for a whole row?? Cheers, Markus

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 12, 2005 09:44 AM UTC

You cannot set a ''rowstyle'' for abirtary records. You can set row styles for every other record using Appearance.RecordFieldCell and Appearance.AlternateRecordFieldCell. Also, if you can write a logical expression based on values in the record that picks out the particular reords you want to have this style, then you can add a ConditionalFormat to the TableDescriptor.ConditionalFormat collection to accomplish this. The only way to set a style on an arbitrary record is to handle the QueryCellStyleInfo event. In your handler, you can check to see if e.TableCellIdentity.DisplayElement is a GridRecordRow and if e.TableCellIdentity.DisplayElement.ParentRecord is the arbitray record you want, then you can set the properties of e.Style to affect the look of the row.

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