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Alternative Events

Please provide me the alternative events of GridDataBoundGrid for the following Windows Grid events 1)CellValueChanged 2)RowIndexChanged 3)ColumnIndexChanged 3)OnSelectedIndexChanged Thanks

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 11, 2005 02:45 PM UTC

I will take a guess at what you mean by these events but I may be entirely off the mark as I do not know where these events are defined and what actions they are trying to catch. There is a grid.CurrentCellChanged event that is raised on every change (meaning every keystroke for example) to a cell. There is a grid.CurrentCellAcceptedChanges that is raised after the changes to a cell have been saved. There is a grid.CurrentCellValidating event that is a cancelable event that you can catch as your user leaves a cell so you can validate his entry. You can use the grid.CurrentCellMoving/Moved events to catch the moving of teh current cell. You can use grid.CurrentCell.MoveToRow/MoveFromRow etc in you event handler to see where you were and where you are going. I am not sure what you mean by selected here. If you mean the row the contains the current cell, then CurrentCellMoving/Moved can be use. If you mean selecting a range of cells by dragging selecting them (or clicking a header), then you can use th egrid.Model.SelectionChanging/Changed to catch this behavior.

VI Vinay August 11, 2005 04:14 PM UTC

Hello, I am using a GridDataBoungGrid. I need the following Events. 1) when I click a row header I need to catch this event & do some coding based on the row selected. Other events I can refer your mail Thanks > >Please provide me the alternative events of GridDataBoundGrid >for the following Windows Grid events > >1)CellValueChanged > >2)RowIndexChanged > >3)ColumnIndexChanged > >3)OnSelectedIndexChanged > >Thanks > > >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 11, 2005 04:40 PM UTC

You can handle the CellClick event. private void grid_CellClick(object sender, GridCellClickEventArgs e) { if(e.ColIndex == 0) Console.WriteLine("Clicked header {0}", e.RowIndex); }

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