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Reading an embedded spreadsheet

I''ve been searching the web for nearly a week now trying to figure out how to read the information a user can enter into an interactive web excel spreadsheet. More precisely, I need for a user to enter an unlimited amount of numbers and I need to be able to read the numbers and enter them into a database (SQL Server). To protect from user errors, my team thought it might be a good idea to provide the Spreadsheet in a web page and users can just paste the information directly into it, and then click a button to upload the information to our database. Does your ExcelRW provide some sort of way to read the information from an spreadsheet embedded into the web page rather than uploading / importing one from a desktop? Thanks! Kris

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 8, 2005 03:38 PM UTC

Hi Kris, Essential XlsIO cannot differentiate between a spreadsheet embedded inside a browser and a regular spreadsheet opened using MS Excel. XlsIo can only work with / unserstand the serialized XLS file(BIFF8) that is written to disk when you click on the save button in MS Excel, so the only solution using XlsIO would be to ask your users to save the file on their disk after entering data and then asking them to upload the modified spreadsheet, then XlsIO could be used to read the file and extract information and store in SQL Server database. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Stephen.

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