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Have Combo box with autocopmpleate . When ComboBox has exact match and user click on drop - down autocompleate shows single choice - exact match. How do I make it to display all items ? Sort of IE behavior . Thanks a lot

6 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 8, 2005 03:21 PM UTC

Hi Greg, The Internet Explorer does not display all the items in its dropdown list when it autocompletes the text being typed into it. It only displays those items that have the same prefix as the currently typed text. This is how our ComboBoxAutoComplete behaves too. Please refer to the test sample attached that illustrates this. Run the application and open the dropdown of the ComboBoxAutoComplete. Try typing www.syncfusion.com into it, and you will see that only those entries (see below) that begin with www.syncfusion.com appear in the list. www.syncfusion.com www.syncfusion.com/downloads www.syncfusion.com/sales www.syncfusion.com/support Please let me know if this does not meet your requirements. Also, let me me know the version of Essential Tools that you are using. We appreciate your interest in Syncfusion products. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

ST Stephen Trinder August 18, 2005 05:15 AM UTC

Hi. Is there any way to make the AutoComplete behave like a folder autocomplete in Windows? The address bar in Windows Explorer only shows the child of the current node, not all children. i.e if this was the data in the source list: www.syncfusion.com www.syncfusion.com/downloads www.syncfusion.com/downloads/test1 www.syncfusion.com/downloads/test2 www.syncfusion.com/sales www.syncfusion.com/support And I typed www.syncfusion.com I would expect to see: www.syncfusion.com www.syncfusion.com/downloads www.syncfusion.com/sales www.syncfusion.com/support instead I see: www.syncfusion.com www.syncfusion.com/downloads www.syncfusion.com/downloads/test1 www.syncfusion.com/downloads/test2 www.syncfusion.com/sales www.syncfusion.com/support as the children of the downloads "folder" are also displayed. Basically I''m after behaviour like having a textbox auto complete source set to FileSystem (where it behaves hierarchically) but while still using a custom source. I suppose it works like it does currently because it doesn''t understand /. It treats it like any other letter - as an ascii character. Thanks, -Stephen

JL Jerry Lawrence July 12, 2006 05:30 PM UTC

>Hi Greg, > >The Internet Explorer does not display all the items in its dropdown list when it autocompletes the text being typed into it. It only displays those items that have the same prefix as the currently typed text. This is how our ComboBoxAutoComplete behaves too. > >Please refer to the test sample attached that illustrates this. Run the application and open the dropdown of the ComboBoxAutoComplete. Try typing www.syncfusion.com into it, and you will see that only those entries (see below) that begin with www.syncfusion.com appear in the list. > >www.syncfusion.com >www.syncfusion.com/downloads >www.syncfusion.com/sales >www.syncfusion.com/support > >Please let me know if this does not meet your requirements. Also, let me me know the version of Essential Tools that you are using. We appreciate your interest in Syncfusion products. > >Regards, >Guru Patwal >Syncfusion, Inc. I''ve tried this sample. The list does not automatically drop down (showing the matched prefixes) when I start typing. How do get the list to dropdown automatically? Thanks, Jerry

AR Anupama Roy Syncfusion Team July 12, 2006 06:58 PM UTC

Hi Jerry, The AutoComplete control within the ComboBoxAutoComplete can operate either in AutoCompleteModes.AutoSuggest or in AutoCompleteModes.AutoAppend mode.In AutoSuggest mode, a drop down list of possible matches for the current text will be displayed and the user can select the appropriate entry they want. In AutoAppend mode, the edit control with the focus will be filled with the possible match and the user can continue typing to change the current suggestion or accept the text as it is.By default,ComboBoxAutoComplete uses AutoAppend Mode and that is the reason why you were not able to see the dropdown in the above sample. Add the below given code in the above sample inorder to get the drop down list for matching entries. this.comboBoxAutoComplete1.AutoCompleteControl.SetAutoComplete (this.comboBoxAutoComplete1 , Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.AutoCompleteModes.AutoSuggest ); Please let us know if you need futhur assistance Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products. Regards, Anu.

JL Jerry Lawrence July 13, 2006 02:04 PM UTC

That gave me the functionality I was looking for. Is there a way to get the same functionality from the MultiColumnComboBox? Thanks, Jerry

AR Anupama Roy Syncfusion Team July 13, 2006 03:15 PM UTC

Hi Jerry, The architecture of MultiColumnComboBox is different from ComboBoxAutoComplete and it is not possible to get the same behaviour in MultiColumnComboBox. Thanks, Anu.

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