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Export GGC to Excel or XML

Hello, I have GroupingGridControl form. the GGC is filled by single flat-table and user can drag-drop any column to grouping the data. the GGC also has 4 summary rows AVG,MIN,MAX,SUM for all numeric columns. I want to export to GGC data to excel and XML. I have seen some samples but I can''t remeber where to find them. Any idea? Thanks, Lan

7 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 3, 2005 02:06 PM UTC

Here is a link that has a preliminary version of a helper class that exports to excel. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=32139

LA Lan August 3, 2005 07:17 PM UTC

I download the zip file. When I compile it, got some compile errors and I can''t figure them out. my version is

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 3, 2005 07:34 PM UTC

Care to post the errors? Do you have the ExcelRw library installed? The sample needs to have the XML data for teh ReadXml call. So, try pointing it to the data in our sample data folder. ReadXml(this.dataSet11, @"C:\Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Windows\Data\GDBDdata.XML");

LA Lan August 3, 2005 07:57 PM UTC

I download GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel.zip and changed the reference to the new version Recompile it, got following compile errors. C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(2114): ''Syncfusion.Drawing.PatternStyle'' does not contain a definition for ''DarkVertical'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(128): ''Syncfusion.ExcelRW.Implementation.FormulaUtil'' does not contain a definition for ''RegisterAdditionalAlias'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(127): ''Syncfusion.ExcelRW.Implementation.FormulaUtil'' does not contain a definition for ''RegisterAdditionalAlias'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(1019): ''Syncfusion.ExcelRW.IPageSetup'' does not contain a definition for ''IsSummaryRowBelow'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(333): ''Syncfusion.ExcelRW.IStyle'' does not contain a definition for ''NumberFormatIndex'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(2173): ''Syncfusion.ExcelRW.IWorksheet'' does not contain a definition for ''GetColumnWidthInPixels'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(2153): ''Syncfusion.ExcelRW.IWorksheet'' does not contain a definition for ''GetRowHeightInPixels'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(1482): ''Syncfusion.ExcelRW.IWorksheet'' does not contain a definition for ''SetColumnWidth'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(930): ''Syncfusion.ExcelRW.IWorksheet'' does not contain a definition for ''SetColumnWidth'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(899): ''Syncfusion.ExcelRW.IWorksheet'' does not contain a definition for ''SetRowHeightInPixels'' C:\temp\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel_4d92b89b\GroupCustomersWithExportToExcel\GridExcelConverterControl.cs(2108): Control cannot fall through from one case label (''case 6:'') to another

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 3, 2005 08:56 PM UTC

Those are 3.3. properties. You can try just commenting out the lines that give these syntax errors, or you can wait until the 3.3 library is available for download.

LA Lan August 4, 2005 01:54 PM UTC

I''ll wait for the new version 3.3. By the way, any idea when it release?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 4, 2005 02:57 PM UTC

All I can say is that we are actively working on it.

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