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Duplication of row in gridGroupingcontrol

Hi, I have a functionality wherein the user can choose to update row by row or batch update. Record in the gridGroupingControl is duplicating after I do row by row update and switch to do update by clicking on update button. I have also observed when I do consecutively 15-20 row by row update this happens.After moving from one row to other ,the row gets duplicated with the previous row value . For doing row by row update I am using this.gridGroupingControl.SourceListListChanged += event. I am using many events in my application, around 14-15. can you please suggest some thought ...? I feel as I am using more events, It is messing up. Thanks, Prathima

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 1, 2005 10:36 AM UTC

What do you mean by Row by Row updating? Normally, the grid will update the data as your users leave a row after making a change on that row without you doing anything in the SourceListListChanged event. Why are you using that event? Can you upload a sample showing the problem you are having?

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